Our Services
MNGD sets about obtaining an in-depth understanding of how a business is run, its unique characteristics and the scope of its operations, in designing and implementing intuitive and robust, integrated technology solutions

At MNGD our overriding focus is the delivery of workplace technology solutions that meet and exceed our clients' needs. To achieve this, we prioritise client consultation at the design stage of a project, seeking to identify problem areas and bottlenecks in day-to-day workflow, and then draw on this knowledge to map out a detailed technology strategy, specifically catering to individual business requirements.
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MNGD operates a 400 square metre warehouse/workshop northwest of Sydney. We have the logistical capabilities to coordinate many, large-scale projects across Australia. Each project is supported by a dedicated project deployment team and national installer network.
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MNGD's process encompasses gaining an in-depth understanding of how a business functions, both at its individual levels and as a greater whole, in determining how innovative AV technologies can be deployed to support and enhance operations.
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